General TMJ Info and the TMJ Scale

Will you ever find relief from the painful popping and clicking of TMJ?



Does this sound like you?

Does your jaw pop and click when you move it?

Is it getting harder to open your jaw as wide as you could before?

Have you lost hope that the pain could ever go away?



How A 16 Year Old Girl Found Relief From TMJ

A young lady was having extreme jaw pain and it seemed she could not open her mouth nearly as wide as before. She was also getting an annoying popping and clicking sound whenever she moved her mouth. This had been going on for a year and a half. The only thing that changed in her life was that she had visited an orthodontist to have her crooked teeth straightened. Now she had a beautiful smile, but the pain was getting so bad that she had to force that smile.

She took the TMJ Scale test and the results showed that she was more likely to have a TMJ problem than 64% of the patients who had already taken the test. Armed with these results, she went to a dentist that specialized in TMJ symptoms.
Her dental practitioner was able to determine that the cushioning disk in her jaw joint was out of alignment. TMJ jaw surgery was not necessary. She was fitted with a special soft rubber mouth splint to realign her jaw joint. In just a few months, her condition improved, her headaches were gone. She was feeling 100% better after the TMJ treatment. She took another TMJ Scale test and the new results showed that there was less than a 1% probability that she had a TMJ disorder.

 The TMJ Scale test helped her make the right decision to seek professional help for her jaw pain and popping noises. The dentist confirmed the TMJ Report with his own examinations and after proper medical treatment he was able to help her find relief from the pain. She felt remarkably better and you could tell by her new joy filled smile.

How do you know if you have TMJ?

Take the informative confidential TMJ Scale test
in the comfort of your home.
You will be alerted so that
you can make good decisions
regarding your health care today.

What is your body trying to tell you?

Get your secure TMJ Scale Report™ Now

Scientists Report Early Progress in Tissue Engineering Mandibular Condyle

Researchers have long dreamed of engineering new knees, hips and other body joints in the laboratory from a person’s own bone and cartilage producing adult stem cells. The challenge has been to figure out how to manipulate these cells and get them to form tissues that precisely mirror the natural three-dimensional structure and mechanical strength of our normal, healthy joints. Now, in an important first step toward realizing this dream, scientists report in this December 2003 issue of the Journal of Dental Research


The TMJ Scale Report allows you to determine several different things:

  1. Whether or not a TMJ disorder is likely to be present
  2. The severity of the TMD (if present)
  3. The types and severity of physical problems involved (problems with pain, bite, jaw joint, limited range motion)
  4. Whether or not a Non-TMJ problem is likely to be present
  5. Whether or not psychological factors and stress are significant, and if so, how severe.
  6. The probability of whether or not the problem is, or may become, a chronic (long term) problem

Tens of thousands of people have taken the TMJ Scale test and discovered if they needed TMJ treatment.

Discover How a Simple Test Saved Her Life

A 51 year old white female was referred to a TMJ dentist in North Carolina in 1990 for suspected TMJ. She reported dull aching in both ears and soreness around the TM joint and facial muscles. Pain was always worst on the left side. She thought she might have an ear infection, but her family doctor and an ear, nose, and throat specialist found no problem in the ears. The patient had a history of ovarian cancer and arthritis in her right knee. A sister had lupus and another sister had died of rheumatoid arthritis. Her pain was described as “dull” and was not helped by ibuprofen or acetaminophen. The physical exam showed a normal jaw opening and no clicking or popping was noted with a stethoscope. The dentist gave the patient a TMJ Scale to document her symptoms and screen for other problems. The TMJ Scale report indicated  . . . read case #2 for more

A TMJ Sports Injury was causing severe facial pain

An 18 year old male in Indiana suffered a facial injury during a basketball game in 1995. Shortly after the injury he could not open his left jaw joint and had pain on both sides of his jaw, pain in his ear, and headaches. He completed a TMJ Scale, which showed he probably had a TMJ problem, with symptoms worse than 65% of TMJ patients. The report also indicated he had elevated pain, internal joint problems, and limited jaw opening ability.The Non-TM scale was not above average, and stress was not elevated. He saw a TMJ local dentist who prepared a soft splint, which he wore over his bottom teeth for five months. After that time, he only wore the splint during sporting events, as directed by the dentist. The testimonial continues…read case #3

Poor Fitting Dentures Limited Her Temporomandibular Joint

A 74-year-old Native American woman was referred by a neurologist to a university pain clinic for evaluation of TM joint pain and limited jaw opening. The patient had a history of rheumatism and neurological problems.
She was taking a wide variety of pain medications, steroids, and pills for a stomach condition. Pain interfered with all of her activities, and some signs of depression (loss of appetite, sleep problems) were evident. The patient had full dentures that were somewhat unstable As part of her evaluation at the university pain clinic, the patient was given a TMJ Scale, along with a physical examination. The TMJ Scale’s overall score confirmed she had a significant TMJ disorder.
The TMJ Scale indicated the presence of a TMJ disorder, and…read Case #13 for the rest

Chronic Facial Pain After a Whiplash TMJ Injury

A 36-year-old white female was     referred to a university pain clinic for evaluation of pain in her jaw and face. Her problem had started eight months earlier as a result of an automobile accident during which she sustained a “whiplash” injury and subsequent neck pain and stiffness. She also suffered from tension headaches. She had been evaluated by doctors with several different specialties, and had undergone neck traction, which produced pain in the teeth, jaws, and TM joints. She was evaluated by a neurologist who ordered CT scans of the head and neck, as well as an EEG. Occlusal splint treatment was started. She had not found any relief for her pain and was considering litigation at this point. As part of her evaluation at the university pain clinic, the patient was given a TMJ Scale, along with a physical examination. The TMJ Scale’s overall score confirmed she had a……….. see Case #12