Conference Presentations
Lundeen TF, Levitt SR, McKinney MW, "The TMJ Scale Discriminative Ability of New Diagnostic Tool," Internat. Assoc. of Dental Research Meeting, March 1985. Published in Jour of Dental Research 64 (Special Issue): 357, Abstract #1646, 1985.
Turner SP, McKinney MW, Levitt SR, Lundeen TF, "Similarities and Differences Between TMJ and Chronic Pain Patients, Internat. Assoc. of Dental Research Meeting, March 1985. Published in Jour of Dental Research 64 (Special Issue): 357, Abstract #1647, 1985.
Lundeen TF, Levitt SR, McKinney MW, "The Discriminative Ability of the TMJ Scale: Age and Gender Differences," American Pain Society, Fifth Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, October 17-20, 1985.
Levitt SR, McKinney MW, , Lundeen TF, "Screening for TMJ Disorders," Presented at The Fifth World Congress of Pain, Hamburg, Germany, August 1987.
Levitt SR, "The Chronic Pain Battery and TMJ Scale: Development, Validation and Clinical Applications," Keynote presentation at the Biofeedback Society of North Carolina, Annual Meeting, Winston-Salem, NC, May 21-22, 1988.
Levitt SR, Lundeen TF, McKinney MW, "The TMJ Scale and Chronic Pain Battery," two day seminar sponsored by Pain Resource Center, Research Triangle Park, NC, October 14-15, 1988.
Lundeen TF, McKinney MW, Levitt SR, "Differentiation of Craniomandibular Disorders from Headache by the TMJ Scale," Presented at the Joint Meeting of the Canadian and American Pain Societies, Toronto, Canada , November 10-13, 1988.
Levitt SR, McKinney MW, Lundeen TF, "The TMJ Scale and Chronic Pain Battery: Development and Use in Dental Practice for Tempormandibular Disorders and Facial Pain: two day seminar sponsored by Tennessee Cranio, Knoxville, TN, January 27-28, 1989.
Levitt SR, "Clinical Application of the TMJ Scale and Chronic Pain Battery in Evaluation of Craniofascial Pain,: First Annual Craniofascial Pain Conference, cosponsored by the Craniofascial Pain Center of Philadelphia and the University of Maryland Dental School, Atlantic City, NJ, March 11, 1989.
Levitt SR, "The Use of the TMJ Scale and Chronic Pain Battery in Clinical Practice for Assessment ant Management of Chronic Facial Pain,: Seminar sponsored by Pain Resource Center, Inc., Durham, NC, April 1, 1989.
Levitt SR, "Use of the TMJ Scale in Dental Practice,: Craven County Dental Society Meeting, New Bern, NC, April 26, 1989.
Lundeen TF, Levitt SR, McKinney MW, "Evaluation of Myofascial Pain Symptoms with the TMJ Scale,: First International Symposium of Myositis, Minneapolis, MN, May 8, 1989.
Levitt SR, McKinney MW, "Psychometric Testing with the TMJ Scale and Chronic Pain Battery, "Fifth Annual National Symposium of Head, Neck, Facial Pain and TMJ Disorders, Atlanta, GA, August 11-13, 1989.
Levitt SR, "The TMJ Scale in Dental Practice," Gaston County Dental Association, Gastonia, NC November 9, 1989.
Levitt SR, "Profile of the TMJ Patient and TMJ Scale," Diagnosis and Non-Surgical Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders, Saint Vincent Health Center, Erie, PA, January 27, 1990.
Levitt SR, "Psychometric Testing of TM Disorders and Chronic Facial Pain," Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting, American Equilibration Society, Chicago, IL, February 7-8, 1990.
Levitt SR, "The TMJ Scale: Theory and Clinical Practice," New York University College of Dentistry, Continuing Dental Education Seminar, New York, NY, March 29, 1990.
Levitt SR, "The TMJ Scale: A means for measuring TMJ severity, identifying the psychologically impaired TMD patient, and screening for non-TM disorders," Greater St. Louis Craniomandibular Society, St. Louis, MO, April 21, 1990.
Levitt SR, "Psychological Assessment of the Pain/Dysfunction Patient," The Northeast Craniomandibular Society First Annual Conference, Comprehensive Assessment of the Craniomandibular Patient, New York, NY, May 11-12, 1990.
Levitt SR, "Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Temporomandibular Disorders," Annual Meeting of the Georgia Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Atlanta, GA, October 20, 1990.
Levitt SR, Spiegel EP, "Assessing and Managing the TM Disorder and Chronic Facial Pain Patient Using State of the Art Psychometric Tests," Arizona Craniomandibular Group and Biofeedback Society of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, March 16, 1991.
Levitt SR, Spiegel EP, "The TMJ Scale: Applications in Risk Management and Loss Prevention," Continuing Dental Education Program of the School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York at Stony Brook and National Society of Dental Practitioners, New York, New York, June 12, 1991.
Levitt SR, "Psychological Assessment/Diagnosis of the TMD Patient,: Occlusion and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Seminar, Department of Periodontics, School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, June 25, 1991.
Levitt SR, Spiegel EP, "The TMJ Scale and Chronic Pain Battery: Assessment and Management of Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders and/or Chronic Pain," 53rd Annual Meeting for the Advancement of Orthodontic Practice and Research, Estes Park, Colorado, July 27-30, 1991.
Levitt SR, Spiegel EP, "Assessing and Managing the TM Disorder and Chronic Facial Pain Patient Using State-of-the-Art Psychometric Tests," Annual Meeting of the U.S. Dental Institute, Phoenix, AZ, March 31, 1992.
Levitt SR, "Measuring Symptom Severity Before and After Treatment in TMD Trauma Patients," 9th Annual Scientific Meeting, American Academy of Orofacial Pain, San Diego, CA, February 14-16, 1997.
McKinney MW, "Evaluating TMD Treatment Effectiveness: Research and Methods," American Equilibration Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, February 19, 1998.
McKinney MW, Steed PA, "TMJ Scale Research Applications–Measuring Treatment Efficacy," American Association of Functional Orthodontics Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA, April 1999.
McKinney MW, "The Use of the TMJ Scale to Measure TMD treatment Outcomes," Annual Bioresearch Conference, Milwaukee, WI, March 1999
Other TMJ-Scale related publications
McKinney MW, "Article Clarifies Role of trauma in TMD," TMDiary-Journal of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, 14:2, 10, 2001.
McKinney MW, "Treatment Outcome Research Clarifies Controversy," TMDiary-Journal of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, 13:2, 20-21, 2000.
McKinney MW, "New Publication Questions Role of Psychology in TMDs," TMDiary-Journal of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, 11:1, 23-26, 1998.
McKinney MW, "NIDR Conference-A Plea for Rationality," TMDiary-Journal of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, 8:2, 8-9, 1996.
McKinney MW, "New Studies Support TMD Treatment," TMDiary-Journal of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, 8:1, 50-51, 1996.